My book is now available on Amazon

Published on 26 June 2023 at 10:51

I cannot begin to tell you how amazing and terrifying the last week has been. I finally finished a project I have been working on since I began writing poetry in the eighth grade. This project, the first of many has been a dream of mine for over twenty years.

Publishing it, having something physical to hold has been one of my life's greatest moments, it ranks up there with the birth of my children, well almost! Just to be able to say that I accomplished what I set out to do when I was scared and lonely young girl, trying to come to grips with emotional trauma, if one of my life's most prized memories.

This anthology spans decades of my life and touches on some very real and very difficult topics. From depression and anxiety to the peace found within nature, this book explores the complexity of life and trying to come out the other side as unscathed as possible.

My goal has always been, and will continue to be, to offer support to anyone struggling with mental health issues and feeling alone and lost. To know that there is someone out there, no matter how remote, that understands our struggles can make all the difference.

I want my readers to know that what they are feeling, no matter what it may be, is valid and deserves to be heard. I want to help be the voice for the voiceless and offer strength to those feeling weak.

Keep writing and never stop trying- We do not quit!

All my love,



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